Sunday, November 1, 2009


BP#1 - Google Reader Feeds

Preschool Education & Everything Preschool:

Although I am a Kindergarten teacher, I get many ideas through Preschool education and adapt it to the Kindergarten curriculum.  This subscription shares posts about crafts, advice on children, and ideas to use in the classroom. 


Web 2.0 Articles, Blogs, and Videos:

I wanted this subscription because it applies to my action research project.  It shares the many uses and reviews of Web 2.0 applications. 


Cool Cat Teacher Blog – Basics for Beginners: What is Web 2.0:

This subscription pertains to the basic uses of Web 2.0 tools.  By reading the posts, I am hoping to gain useful information to be used in my action project research. 


Web 2.0 Tools and Applications:

This feed explains the uses and ways to use Web 2.0 applications.  I am hoping that by following this, I can gain useful information to not only use in my action research project, but also my personal and professional life. 

Education: News and Videos about Education –

I usually read daily and this feed pertains to current information and practice that are related to education.    

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